Portuguese - English dictionary of food terms
A-Z of Portuguese Food Terms
Portuguese | English |
A |
açúcar | sugar |
água com gás | sparkling water |
alho | garlic |
almondegas | meatballs |
alperces | apricots |
ameijoas | clams |
ananás | pineapple |
arroz | rice |
assado | roast |
atum | tuna |
azeitonas | olives |
B |
bacalhau | codfish |
banana | banana |
besugo | sea bream |
bife | steak |
biscoito | biscuit |
bolo | cake |
borrego | lamb |
C |
cabrito | kid (goat) |
caracóis | snail |
caranguejo | crab |
cavala | mackerel |
cebola | onion |
chá | tea |
chouriço | spicy sausage |
coelho | rabbit |
cogumelos | mushrooms |
costeletas | chops |
couve | cabbage |
D |
dobrada | tripe |
douradda | sea bass |
E |
enguias | eel |
ervilhas | peas |
F |
febras | pork steaks |
feijões | beans |
filete | fillet (fish) |
framboesas | rasberries |
frango | chicken |
frito | fried |
G |
gambas | prawns |
gelado | icecream |
guisado | stew |
I |
iscas | liver |
L |
lagosta | lobster |
laranja | orange |
leite | milk |
leitão | suckling pig |
legumes | vegetables |
limão | lemon |
linguado | sole |
lombo | fillet |
lulas | squid |
M |
maça | apple |
manteiga | butter |
mariscos | shellfish |
melancia | watermelon |
mexilhões | mussels |
molho | sauce |
morango | strawberry |
O |
omlete | omlette |
ostras | oysters |
ovo | egg |
P |
pão | bread |
peixe | fish |
pescada | hake |
pescadinha | whiting |
pêssego | peach |
pimenta | pepper |
pimento | green pepper |
piri-piri | chilli sauce |
polvo | octopus |
porco | pork |
presunto | ham |
Q |
queijo | cheese |
R |
romas | pomegranates |
S |
sal | salt |
salada | salad |
salmonete | red mullet |
salsichas | sausages |
sanduíche | sandwich |
sardinhas | sardines |
sobremesa | dessert |
sopa | soup |
T |
torrada | toast |
truta | trout |
U |
uvas | grapes |
V |
vaca (carne de) | beef |
vinagre | vinegar |
vitela | veal |