Mystic Furnas - Canoeing + Terra Nostra

Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/07/2023 - 10:08
The activity begins with canoeing in the Furnas lake. participants will have the opportunity to enjoy all the built heritage in this bucolic place, until reaching the place where we find fumaroles and boiling waters. On the banks of the lake, and due to volcanic activity, one can see where the traditional stew - Cozido da Furnas is cooked. The return is made by the central part of the lagoon, to enjoy the surroundings of the site. After lunch in restaurant in Furnas village, to enjoy the traditional Cozido made with ground heat, time to visit to Terra Nostra Park. This is one of the most beautiful botanical gardens of the . 18th century, where one can find species of flora from different regions of the world. You will be guided in a brief tour by the garden paths passing by the outdoor pool, that invites for thermal bath. Now, it is time to return to Ponta Delgada by the North coast of the island..


Mystic Furnas - Canoeing + Terra Nostra




Min price


Viator type




ponta delgada