

Azores Aqueduct

An old aqueduct near Sete Cidades on the Azores island of Sao Miguel

photo: Carn Burton

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Pico - Azores

The island of Pico in the Azores which is dominated by the mountain of the same name.

It is in fact the highest mountain in Portugal reaching 2351 metres.

At the summit of the mountain is the crater, Pico Alto, with a perimeter of nearly 700 metres and a depth of 30 metres

photo: Horst Evertz

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Sete Cidades - Azores

Located on the western end of Sao Miguel in the Azores is the impressive Sete Cidades crater.

photo: Carn Burton

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São Miguel is the largest and highly populated of the islands with over 50% of the Azores' 250,000 inhabitants living here. As such it is also the transport and communications centre of the Azores with the archipelago's main airport located outside the capital, Ponta Delgada.

Lagoa do Fogo - Sao Miguel

Rising straight out of the Atlantic Ocean around 1,500Km off the coast of mainland portugal is the Azores (Açores) archipelago. Volcanic in origin the chain stretches nearly 600Km and comprises of nine significant islands and eight smaller islets known locally as formigas (ants!).
