

Stand up paddle tour in the Montado de Sobro - Cork Forest

Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/07/2023 - 09:42
This is a Stand up paddle activity that is for everyone and allows you to enjoy the unique beauty of the Alentejo mount.Our boards are personalized, 100% Portuguese and finished in cork, allowing a perfect fit of the SUP activity in the assembly. The SUP activity will last about 2 hours, with a stop in small islands in the middle of the landscape, where you can rest and enjoy the nature and silence that the Alentejo offers. The activity is always accompanied by small explanations of the locality, its products and landscape.

Private Walking Tour of Highlights Locations in Evora

Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/07/2023 - 09:42
​Discover the most impressive treasures of this Unesco World Heritage City, awarded in 1986. Visit the main monuments of this extraordinary Museum City, principal representative of the golden age of Portuguese maritime discoveries.Ideal for visitors wishing to get an overview of the major events that marked the city of Évora, which has always been linked to the most significant moments of Portugal history.
Praça do Giraldo - Evora

Praca do Giraldo - Evora's main square, with its picturesque stone arches, is flanked by some fine examples of Romanesque and Gothic architecture.  This place is central to the city's life and this is where tourists can mingle with locals in the cafes and restaurants which line the square.  It is a great place for sitting and watching the world go by.

The square is named after Geraldo Geraldes, who in 1167 expelled the Moors from Evora. In the 13th century this was a marketplace, and later it became the scene of gruesome and tragic historical events.  In...


Public Places
Aqueduto da Agua da Prata - Evora
Aqueduto da Agua da Prata
Nikater | BY-SA

Literally meaning the "Aqueduct of Silver Water", the Agua de Prata Aqueduct is an incredible testament to 16th century engineering.  It was built to ensure that the strategically important citadel of Elvira would not run out of clean drinking water during the hot, dry summers. King John III of Portugal appointed Francisco de Arruda, who had built Lisbon's Belem Tower to oversee the project, which took six years to construct, finally opening in 1537. 

The aqueduct was 18 kilometres in length and linked ...


Evora Roman Temple detail
Evora Roman Temple detail

The Roman Temple of Évora is said by some to be the best-preserved Roman structure on the Iberian Peninsula.  It was once thought to be the Temple of Diana, the goddess of hunting, and many still call it by this name, but this attribution appears to date back to the views of a 17th century priest, without any historical or archaeological foundation.  Most now agree that the temple was built around the first century A.D. and was dedicated to the Emperor Augustus, who was venerated as a god both during his lifetime and after his death. 

This structure is well...


Praça do Giraldo - Evora

Praça do Giraldo is Evora's main square and one of Portugal's most charming Praças. The patterned cobbled square is surrounded by some of Evora's finest buildings with some great examples of Gothic and Romanesque architecture. In this view you can see the ornate Henriquina fountain. The fountain is reputedly located at the source of the Água de Prata Aqueduct (Aqueduct of Silver Water) and dates back to the 16th century. Praça do Giraldo is the heart of Evora life and its cafes and bars are popular with locals and tourists alike.

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Evora Cathedral cloisters
Cathedral cloisters

Évora's imposing cathedral (Sé Catedral de Évora) is situated in the very heart of the old city and the UNESCO World Heritage site. The oldest parts of the building date back to the 12th century, which was when the Moors were finally driven out by the Christians. As a consequence it is no coincidence that this mighty cathedral has certain aspects which resemble a fortress. Probably most people's first view of the cathedral is the façade which looks out over the Évora's main square. The rose granite façade consists of the main entrance portal over which is an impressive Gothic window with...


Almendres Cromlech near Evora
Almendres Cromlech

Whilst Évora may be able to boast some quite impressive historic credentials there is a site, less than half an hour's drive away that predates anything in the city by thousands of years. Built in the early Stone Age the Almendres Cromlech (Cromleque dos Almendres) dates back over 6,000 years. But it isn't just the age which is impressive - this is the largest megalithic site to be found anywhere on the Iberian Peninsula. Although not quite of the scale of Carnac in Britanny, Almendres is far more atmospheric.

The location of the stones is on the slopes of Monte dos Almendres...


Capela dos Ossos, Evora
Capela dos Ossos

The Medieval Capela dos Ossos (Chapel of Bones) in Evora is a spectacularly morbid celebration of death. As such it is one of Évora's most popular attractions.

Located within the huge, Gothic church of São Francisco, the Chapel of Bones is everything its name suggests. A vaulted ceiling supported by eight columns is about the only part of the chapel that is not covered in the human skulls and bones. It is estimated that there are over 5,000 skulls decorating the chapel many of which were dug up from the many monastic cemeteries in the area.

Apparently the cemeteries were...


Capela dos Ossos - Evora

The Capela dos Ossos (Chapel of Bones) in Evora is a wonderfully macabre reminder of our own mortality. It is located to the rear of the Igreja de São Francisco and was built during the 16th century by one of the Franciscan monks who thought it a nice idea to make his fellow monks contemplate on their own mortality. It seems things got a little carried away as the inside is covered in over 5,000 skulls plus a couple of desiccated corpses dangling from the ceiling!

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