ponte de lima

ponte de lima

Green Wine Region-Small Group Tour with Lunch and Wine Tastings, from Porto city

Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/07/2023 - 09:52
The best of northern Portugal!We will visit Viana do Castelo a town embraced by the Atlantic Ocean and the Lima river. The first stop is the sanctuary of Santa Luzia placed at the mountain top.The National Geographic Magazine (1927) described it as one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world has a view that includes the river, sea, mountain, and countryside. We will stroll through old town and visit several monuments including a widely known traditional pastry shop.
Museu do Brinquedo Português / Toy Museum - Ponte de Lima
Museu do Brinquedo Português
Jose Goncalves | BY-SA

The Portuguese Toy Museum (Museu do Brinquedo Português) is housed in the Casa do Arnado and its annexes, directly across the medieval bridge from Ponte de Lima. The permanent exhibition takes us on a journey through the Portuguese toy manufacturers, from the late 19th century until the 1980s.

On the first floor, the arrangement for decades allows a notion of manufacturers, manufacturing techniques, raw materials and geographical distribution of Portuguese industries. Visit tinplate bells, wooden beach buckets, pulp dolls, vans, boats, trains, tricycles and pedal cars. The...


Museu dos Terceiros - Ponte de Lima
Museu dos Terceiros
Xauxa (Håkan Svensson) | BY-SA

Set within a complex of two churches; the 15th century church of Santo António dos Frades and Igreja dos Terceiros - just to the south of the town centre, is the Museu dos Terceiros or Museum of the Third Order. This is in part a museum of sacred art but it the churches themselves also from much of the interest.

Both church interiors are predominantly 17th and 18th century and in keeping with the period the interiors are fine examples of Baroque design. Altarpieces, pulpits and pelmet are of Rococo design and there is some beautifully painted wood panelling in the sacristy. Along...


Ponte de Lima bridge
River Lima Bridge
Pedro | BY-SA

The attractive medieval bridge crossing the River Lima dates back to 1368, but there has been a crossing here for much longer and this is where the town gets its name from.

Spanning the slow flowing Lima river this, granite bridge features fourteen arches. There were originally seventeen but three have been lost as the riverside was developed over the centuries.

The bridge actually still contains five arches from the old Roman bridge which presumably dates back to the 1st century. These form a section which now runs over dry ground on the opposite bank of the river to the...


Ponte de Lima - Portugal

As the River Lima meanders its way through picture-postcard countryside towards the coast at Viana do Castelo it passes through it passes through any number of charming, ancient villages. Of all these it is Ponte de Lima which stands out.