

Evangelical Church - Porto

An unusual tiled church in Porto, not the usual azulejos like many of the catholic churches. This is apparently an evangelical church, the only one I've seen in Portugal

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Cafe behind the Ribeira - Porto

A square just behind Porto's riverfront (or Ribeira)

Behind is the Elevador da Lada which saves weary legs from the Douro valley's sloping sides

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Ponte Dona Maria Pia - Porto

The 1876 Dona Maria Pia bridge in Porto. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, the bridge is the only one of the six bridges spanning the Douro that is not used

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Downtown Porto

Cobbled streets, rounded street corners, hills, washing hanging from balconies, grimey facades, old fashioned shops...

Must be Porto! Rua Mouzinho da Silveira

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Largo Sao Domingos - Porto

Downtown Porto with its old world shop fronts and hectic buildings clinging to the hill.

This is Largo Sao Domingos

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River Douro - Porto

The River Douro in Porto viewed from the 45 metre high Dom Luis I bridge.

On the left is Vila Nova da Gaia, centre of the Port wine industry and on the left is the Ribeira, heart of the city of Porto's nightlife

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River Douro, Early Morning - Porto

Looking up the River Douro as it winds its way through Porto.

The first bridge is Gustave Eiffel's Dona Maria Pia bridge. Completed in 1876, the iron railway bridge is named after the wife of Dom Luis I (the name of Porto's most famous bridge). The bridge was taken out of service in 1991.

Further behind is the Ponte de Sao Jaoa, designed by Edgar Cardoso to replace Eiffel's bridge

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Ponte Dom Luis I - Porto

My definitive photo of the Dom Luis I bridge.

Opened in 1886, designed by Théophile Seyrig (who was trained by Gustave Eiffel). The 2 storey iron bridge spans the River Douro at 45 metre high.

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Dilapidated Building - Porto

Not an uncommon sight in Porto. There are buildings in a state of disrepair throughout the city centre. Whether people live in them and who owns them is anybody's guess

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