Walking Tour Pico da Vara

Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/07/2023 - 10:08
This 7 km trail begins and ends in the parish of Algarvia, at 700 meters of altitude. After rising about 1 km through a forest of Cryptomerias, the landscape changes to a scenario with endemic species and ground vegetation.The trail rises until it reaches the highest point on the island of São Miguel, Pico da Vara, at 1105 m above sea level, where you have an amazing view over almost the whole island. The return to the starting point is done with the descent of the same track, being a bit slippery during the winter. On the return to Ponta Delgada, passing by the northern coast of the island, still time to stop at the oldest tea factory of São Miguel, Gorreana tea factory for a tea tasting and passing by the city of Ribeira Grande, the only city on the north side of the island, before crossing back to south coast, through the narrower part of the island, with just 8 km. After a brief drive in the south coast, the activity ends with the arrival in Ponta Delgada.


Walking Tour Pico da Vara





Min price


Viator type




ponta delgada