

Azulejos in Lamego

Azulejos showing a biblical scene on the stairway to the Santuário Nossa Senhora dos Remédios in Lamego

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Lamego Azulejos

Biblical scene depicted in azulejos (blue and white tiles) on the way to Santuário Nossa Senhora dos Remédios in Lamego

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Lamego Azulejos

Azulejos depection of Mary and Jesus on the stairway to Santuário Nossa Senhora dos Remédios in Lamego

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View of Lamego

View over the almond blossoms to the old part of Lamego with its 11-13th century keep

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Lamego Sé (Cathedral)

The Sé in Lamego. This large Gothic Cathedral was founded in the 12th century by Afonso Henriques although most of what you see now is 16th and 17th century.

The PX on the banner represent the first two letters of Christ's name - I saw that on a TV program this morning!

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Santuário Nossa Senhora dos Remédios - Lamego

View of Santuário Nossa Senhora dos Remédios from Avenida Dr A Sousa in Lamego.

There are 14 terraces with 611 steps leading up to the 18th Century church at the top.

The stairway is very similar to that of Bom Jesus in Braga

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