

Woodland Shrine - Lamego

Shrine in the woodlands of Monte de Santo Estêvao on the approach to the Santuário Nossa Senhora dos Remédios

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Lamego - Santuário Nossa Senhora dos Remédios

Santuário Nossa Senhora dos Remédios in Lamego. The 18th century twin-towered church is located at the top of 14 staircases with 611 steps on Monte de Santo Estêvao

Every September thousands of pilgrims congregate here, many looking for a cures to their various ailments

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Lamego View

View of the town of Lamego from on top of Monte de Santo Estêvao, perhaps best known for the Santuário Nossa Senhora dos Remédios located directly behind

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Nossa Senhora dos Remédios - Lamego

The church of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios in Lamego. Set at the top of 611 steps the Baroque church overlooks the town below.

At the beginning of every September, thousands of catholic pilgrims gather to seek healing and consolation

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