Best Things to Do in Leiria

Showing 1 - 3 of 3

  • Leiria Castle
    Leiria Castle
    Luis Santos

    Impressive 12th century castle overlooking the town. The castle was built to defend against reconquest by the Moors, and this did indeed happen on 2 occasions. The castle also contains a 15th century palace within its walls


  • Leiria's 16th century cathedral (Sé de Leiria) lies just beyond the old city walls in a small square. It was constructed between 1559 and 1574, during the reign of Dom João III to designs by architect Afonso Alvares.

    The exterior styling is of the fairly austere Mannerist school, although the interior, with its barrel vaulted roof is quite lavish.

    One of the notable features of the cathedral is the absence of a bell tower. There is one, but it is actually not attached to the main cathedral. Whilst this was rebuilt in the Baroque style following damage in the...


  • Batalha Monastery
    Batalha Monastery

    The Mosteiro de Batalha (Battle Abbey) was built to celebrate the important military victory of the Battle of Aljubarrota of 1385 in which Spanish forces were driven back. And celebrate they did! To describe the monastery as impressive would be somewhat of an understatement. It is on a par with the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos in Belém for both the scale and style. Like Jerónimos, Batalha features many Manueline style flourishes, but at the core is one of the best examples of Gothic architecture...



Leiria travel guide »

In the Beiras regions, all roads seem to lead to Leiria from surrounding tourist favourites such as Coimbra, Alcobaça, Fatima and...