

Rua Dom Pedro V - Bairro Alto - Lisbon

Elegant facades on Rua Dom Pedro V on the edge of the Bairro Alto district of Lisbon. These buildings have an unfetterd view over the city from their elevated position

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Bairro Alto Statue

A life-size bronze statue of a postman (??) in the square in front of Sao Roque church in Lisbon's Bairro Alto district.

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Sao Roque Church Interior - Lisbon

Sao Roque church in the Bairro Alto district of region. The church was built by the Jesuits between 1506 and 1515 and its interior is truly exceptional.

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Statue in Estrela - Lisbon

Located just outside of the gardens in Estrela is this statue. I'm not sure what it is but I think it is probably related to the discovery of Brazil

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Marques de Pombal - Lisbon

The 36 metre tall column and statue of the Marques de Pombal at the head of Avenida da Liberdade (Lisbon's main thoroughfare) Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, to give him his full name was responsible for much of the rebuilding of Lisbon (and Portugal) after the 1755 earthquake

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